Things can't ever get that Bad.


Hey now, I know it's been a minute since I posted on here. You know how the saying goes. You make plans and then life happens. Lost my Day Job as of July 30th. So that threw a monkey rench in a lot of things I was trying to do. My studio launch, My latest comic book and a plethora of other things got put on hold. I had raised about a third of the money that I needed to get my studio off the ground but with the loss of my Job I had to turn around and start living off that money. I am not detered, Shadow Studios is still coming. A long with my next Comic Book. Bare with me folks. Your Boy wade is just regrouping. 

Any way the reason I had to come back to my blog was to address a serious issue in the adult film industry. I know I had stated before that you should leave your political ideologies at the door when you step on an adult film set. However when those ideologies of a person question the very worth of your life something has to give. Last year we all witnessed the grizzly murder of George Floyd. The fall out and ramifications of that murder I have written about ad nauseum in this forum. However people who made public statements about the downplaying or the utter dismissiveness of that murder needed to be held to task. and Sadly that is not happening. 

Brandi Love stated on her twitter account that she did not "Give a fuck" about George Floyd's murder. The brazen disregard of a Black man's life is sickening. While I find such statements acceptable in a fictonal race play setting. To harbor feelings like that in any other circumstance is obtuse. To express them publicly is completely beyond the pail. Any Black man who chooses to work with an individual like that in this industry you have some serious self reflecting to do. 

You are sticking your dick in a person who literally thinks you worth less than the dog shit she would scrape off the bottom of her shoe. Now I don't have an issue with conservative people per say. When I was in the Military I voted for both Bush and Obama. However when you "Don't Give a Fuck" about myself or people like me getting murdered by police. That is a bridge too far. 

The adult film industry has drastically changed in the last 18 months and talent has to adjust. I understand. But it can't ever get that bad that you are willing to work with someone who literally has no regard for your existence.  


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