
Showing posts from February, 2020

We need to keep that same energy or STFU

Many people my self included took Rod Jackson to task for the fucked up shit he did to that disabled dog. What he did was reprehensible and he deserves to be black listed. If I was a director I wouldn't hire him again. My one question for the people who got super angry and pissed off with Rod for what he did is this. Do you have that same level of vitriol for police who Kill unarmed black men in cold blood or the immigrant children being caged like wild animals at the border? Or what about gun lobbyist every time a Mass shooting takes the innocent lives of children? Animals deserve every advocate they can get because they can not speak for themselves. They hold a special place in our hearts and our minds. But Human beings deserve that same level of advocacy and protection. This isn't a either or situation. You can care deeply for animals and people at the same time. The question becomes do you keep the same energy defending people as you do animals if the an

Why are we Americans so fucking stupid???

Why is it that we Americans spend so little time actually doing the hard work of trying to understand things. I mean it sounds like a trivial question but it is really at the heart of every major issue that is cumbersome to our society at large. We all have our own little bubbles of bias and belief systems and almost none of the time are those beliefs built on empirical foundations. What do I mean by empirical foundations? I am talking about hard, non bias peer reviewed evidence that is repeatable. Evidence that makes you take other perspectives into consideration if their is sound evidence to support those notions. Even if those notions are contrary to your own. I don't care if you are on the right side of the political spectrum or the left. Nuance is shunned by both sides. People live in these echo chambers and circles of confirmation bias that completely negates their ability to think critically about a problem. Take Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign for examp

Rod Jackson you fucked up BIG TIME!!!

So if you have been paying attention to Social Media Rod Jackson has justifiably come under major scrutiny for a video he posted of him poring water on a disabled dog. What is so perplexing is why he would do something like that so soon after he just said goodbye to his own small dog that had recently passed away. Like seriously WTF? He took the post down but looks like the Damage has been done. There are a lot of things adult industry workers can come back from. But I'm not sure being unnecessarily cruel to a defenceless animal is one of them. I praised Rod when he first came into the adult industry for his performing prowess. But looks like he has completely gone off the deep end. Now it looks like he lost his representation. Might want to get your resumé together young man. Something tells me you will need to look for a civilian job outside of the adult industry and the public eye.