Been a Bad week for sex workers. HIV scare production shut down etc

Well it has been about 2 days sense the moratorium of production started and it is set to end this coming monday. The few directors and Talent that I know in the skin business are still unaware whom this individual is.  One can only speculate the circumstances around why this happened.

This couldn't have happen at the worst time with law makers on both sides of the political spectrum taking aim at the Sex industry as a whole. ECCIE and backpage where both shut down. severely limiting the places online where escorts could advertise. Conflating two totally non related issues. Consensual sex between two willing adults under no coercion for compensation and human trafficking. While the two enterprises operate in the same hemisphere they couldn't be more different in practice and circumstance. Human trafficking is a problem no one denies that but punishing Sex workers who of their own free will choose this career path is an abridge to their civil liberties.

These law Maker's idiotic attempts to regulate the sex industry is completely absurd. From their feeble attempt to try to mandate condoms on professional pornographic shoots To this attempt to limit where courtesans and escorts can advertise safely to potential clientele. They really have no understanding of the sex work industry. None what so ever. And their actions could prove to be more detrimental to the very people they claim they are trying to protect.

Websites like Backpage and ECCIE allowed independent sex workers to advertise safely with no physical contact with their potential suitors. I have seen several courtesans over the last 10 years and it was only after I was heavily screened and a proof of my Identity was validated. Only when the girls knew that I was safe would they agree to see me. Now a lot of these workers are going to start working corners where Rape and other ills are much more likely.

Then to Cap it off the whole unfortunate situation. With Rico Strong and Leigh Raven. I am declining to comment on what I think about that situation until I get more information.


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