Hey Ron....Go get Fucked

Okay so a good friend of mine who also happens to be my current twitter banner got an absolutely absurd correspondence from a fuck boy about her tattoos. Saying essentially that his research stated that "men don't like women with tattoos"

 I was a professional researcher at a tier 2 Private University in Washington DC for almost ten years, after I separated from the Military. So I know a little something about research and the types of questions one asks when they are genuinely interested in trying to find objective answers.

It is called qualitative research and it is a vital part of adding context to quantitative data. Especially when you are asking questions related to behavioral science. 

A real research project and the questions associated with it do not use such  pejorative phrases like the ones used in the communication my friend recieved. This moron tried to spout out a bunch of clearly biased statements about women with tattoos then pulled some unverified numbers out of his ass to try to bolster his weak argument. 

First of all fuck boy, how many people did you even approach to formulate your data sets? Asking 4 of your friends does not meet the threshold for any legitimate research purposes. Not at a scholarly level any way. Secondly what controls did you use to make sure the correspondences where accurate and objective?

When facilitating a real questionnaire for legitimate research purposes you provide your controls. For example you provide your methodology like the demographics of the people you asked, where you asked them and how many people responded to your questionnaire. 

Any real researcher can read the rubbish you gave my friend and identify that your questionnaire was a load of hot stinky bull shit. So in closing let be be abundantly clear. I did a little research of my own and 100% of the correspondences to my inquiry stated that you where a complete moron. 


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