Now the election is over can we just get back to the sex.

 People have been losing their minds behind the election results. On both sides of the political spectrum. While I am happy to report that Donald Trump is on his way out. It saddens me that performers are now black listing each other in response to what was a tumultuous political season. At the end of the day when you are on a adult set. You are their to do a Job and you should leave your political affiliations at the door. Unless the scene has political undertones to it. 

While I have stated many times in this blog before what my personal ideological leanings were. I have always maintained that whatever your beliefs are you should stand by them loudly and proudly and you should not be admonished for them IF you are able to intelligently articulate why you hold those beliefs. If you are able to do so that should not affect if you are able to secure work. While I believe anyone should be able to pick and chose whom they work with. Discriminating against some one do to political affiliations should not be one of them. 

If you are willing to have an open and honest conversation with people who do not share your political views a lot of times you will find commonality with folks that you never knew you would. A perfect example of this is me and Karma Rx. She was a ride or die Trump girl but she helped save my friend's life when he needed a life saving medical procedure. So you can not assume the people who support trump are all racist or xenophobes or homophobes or heartless. 

You can however safely say that anyone who supported trump was willing to overlook those shitty qualities that he personified. That is a slight indictment but not a total condemnation of some one. Unless those are qualities that they themselves espoused.  At least in my humble opinion. So at the end of the day in the words of Rodney King. "Can we all just get a long?"


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