Silence is Deadly

The writers at Mike South normally do a pretty good job at being objective when looking at different situations. But they also do not have a problem with formulating opinions on other states of affairs  if they believe those to be unjust or wrong. They have some very good investigative journalists digging deep on issues at the very center of the adult film industry. But the collective sentiment they have on the George Floyd situation and the subsequent fall out is simply tone deaf.

As Edmund Burke stated. "The Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing". For far too often the able bodied have stood idle while atrocities transpired against individuals who where always the most vulnerable in the specific societies they resided in. Another quote appropriate for the season is the one from Martin Niemoller. "First they came for the socialists and I did speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me"

Today there are no concentration camps in Europe or whole sale genocides taking place in Rwanda. But the systemic oppression, marginalization and the subsequent killing of unarmed black people in this country has gone on for far too long. Many times with little to no ramifications for the parties at fault.  At every level of American society from education to access to economic opportunity to the criminal justice system Black people are and have always been near the bottom or at the bottom of the totem pole. Any human being no matter your ethnic background will build up a level of frustration, resentment and volatility over a period of time if those grievances are not adequately  addressed  .  As I stated in my previous post related to this topic. When you have built up anger and frustration with those issues  compounded by a economic down turn and a pandemic that is still going on. and it is understandable why those people where ready to go off. Now I am not condoning rioting or the attacking of innocent people but I understand WHY it is taking place. Some people are taking advantage of the situation and some of the behavior of the rioters is not justifiable. But the police are responding in kind. Killing some and severely maiming others in the process. Using police brutality to quell protests that ironically are taking place because of Police brutality.

What does any of this have to do with folks in the Sex Work  industry. I will tell you.
People in the Sex Work industry have huge platforms. Some stars have social media followings that rival a lot of professional athletes. Whether they understand it or not. They have proverbial megaphones at their fingertips. And the massive amount of Capital that the Sex Work industry brings in every year has even made corporate america stand up and take notice. At the end of the day. you have a responsibility to use your platform for the betterment of your fellow human beings. To be apathetic to the plight and suffering of others is to tacitly accept what is transpiring. And it is not inappropriate for people to be chastised if they are silent. Threatening bodily harm or making accusations of racism are overboard. But simply calling them out on their silence I believe is not beyond the pail. Bad Ideas an bad behavior should be shouted down in the public discord.

I will try to paint this picture in analogous. Lets say your mother was being mugged in the street. there where many on lookers just standing there  not saying or doing anything. You mother subsequently dies from the encounter. What would you say to the individuals who stood idle and just watched. would you hold them accountable or accept the notion of "Hey its not my fault it was none of my business I did not have intervene" How hollow would those words sound to you. I guess the real question is? Do you care enough about black people to want to speak out? No one is saying that these Sex Workers have to fuck every black person they see or donate money to any causes or anything close to that. All people are saying is. You can say something!!! It doesn't even have to be a full throated support of the protesters. a simple. "man what happened to George Floyd was unfortunate"  would be sufficient. For me anyway.


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