Sex Work may never be the same.

If some one where to tell you two months ago that The Murder of a Black man at the hands of the police and a global pandemic would have catastrophic ramifications for the sex work industry. Most people would have told you nah. The sex work industry has never gone through a global pandemic but there has been plenty of work stoppages for health related issues in the past, and the murder of a unarmed black man certainly isn't new or unprecedented.  How each of these situations has affected the sex work industry has been unique but for some reason the marriage of these two uncommon bed fellows will leave the sex work industry in a new place. One that most fans of the sex work industry will not recognize after the dust has settled.

The murder of George Floyd and the fall out afterwards created a ideological divide between socially conscious sex workers. And those who for one reason or another could not fully embrace the need to change societal norms. Specifically pertaining to matters of racial inequity and racial equality. I am not going to Bash individuals who failed to speak out. I already have stated in previous posts that those individuals should just accept the fact that they probably are not going to have good working relationships with people of Color for the foreseeable future. Something tells me that those silent aforementioned individuals don't really put a lot of concern into that development.

However the George Floyd murder had a lot of Sex workers not only wanting to use the heightened awareness to call out racial injustice and oppression. They also wanted to use the energy of this  current state to call out individuals who they feel committed acts of sexual misconduct against them. This situation has divided the sex work industry as well. More specifically people who shoot and star in professional adult film. The female talents' have come forward making accusations of sexual misconduct against any and all whom they felt they had grievances against. I am not going to sit here and say I accept these accusations nor am I going to say I am going to dismiss them. I honestly do not have enough information on any of them in particular to make a sound judgement.
All I will say is. Women should NEVER be assaulted sexually and their boundaries should always be respected. Having the courage to tell your story is one of the first steps of healing. I my self was sexually accosted in my place of work. A man grabbed my dick. It was one of the most Vile experiences I have ever had in my life. I wanted so badly to put my hand through his face. I didn't but I did put my hand through the wall in the break room of my store. So to the women. I say keep speaking your truth. And let the chips fall where they may.

This situation however has created two camps as well. On one side you have the individuals who are trying to look at the allegations with prudence before coming to a conclusion. On the other side you have the group that just says believe women no matter what. I have straddled this fence as well with the Leagh Raven Rico Strong situation. This time I am just going to sit back and see what happens. Like I said before women who feel they have been hurt should still come forward and let there claims be adjudicated. Some on either side of this divide have vowed never to work with those in inferred opposition.

So now the lines in the sand are drawn and we are losing so many great talents who just quite frankly no longer want to be apart of the atmosphere of professional pornography. With the Pandemic causing so many talents to shift to other means of income like Only fans. They do not feel the need or desire to perform professionally any longer. One Talent who is a Huge favorite of mine is Katrina Jade. She announced that she was retiring from performing on professional shoots. It truly is a sad day. She had a phenomenal sexual energy that will truly be missed. Couple the loss of major talents like Katrina Jade and AVN's  attempt to eliminate the term interracial from their publications, and the results of what the adult industry will look like its safe to say will something we wont appreciate until all the moving pieces are settled.


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