Pump the breaks

I have written about this subject before but now more than ever it needs to be addressed. People in the adult industry right now are canceling anyone who sees race or puts a focus on race in a sexual context. In the current political clement I understand why this is happening. people are using the Murder of George Floyd to attempt to snuff out all racial disparity in every corner of society. While the sentiment behind this is admirable. It is a bit misguided.

I say that because it completely ignores the reality that most people in the sex work industry already realize, but now are surprisingly ignoring. Sexuality is a wide spectra in the human condition. Not only do we have different orientations. But we respond to different stimuli to reach sexual satisfaction. The sex work industry has long been a place of acceptance and tolerance for different people who got off on different things. For example LGBTQ individuals and the types of sexual stimuli that those individuals respond to. A lot of backward thinking people in main stream society would call what they get off to as sexual deviancy. Of course this is not the case. But that is a popular stance. and that level of intolerance rises parallel to an individuals religiosity. At least publicly.

So how hypocritical is it then to publicly castigate individuals who get off on  and individuals who provide race play. it is a sensitive subject. But two fundamental things are being met. First off is consent. The individual who is getting off on the race play has fully consented to participating in that act. The individual providing the service can only provide the service IF they have consent. So what makes this aspect of BDSM more deviant than say a bisexual man having sex with a Transwoman. I would humbly submit to you that there is nothing wrong with either sexual act.

If you do not understand why some one gets off to something. It is not your right to past judgment on them. Nor is it your right to past judgement on the individuals who are providing that service within a sexual context. One of the most popular genre's in main stream Adult film is barely legal porn. Many individuals dress up like under age school girls. and take part in sexual acts. No one is batting an eye that this genre of porn is a wink and a nod to border line pedophilia. The girls of course are not underage but they are playing a role a lot of times that pushes that boundary.

That is exactly what People participating in race play are doing as well. It's a role play. It's fantasy. It is not reality. I as a black man enjoy race play from time to time. A sex worker who is a good friend of mine provides that service. Now outside of a sexual context. I would NEVER allow some one to talk to me in the way that she does. And she is a sweat heart. She would NEVER utter the words she does to any one who did not first consent to it.

So Cybll Troy has been getting attacked for providing race play to people. Get off her fucking back. IF she tells you she is not a racist. then you need to give her the benefit of the doubt and accept that. Now if she was simply using racial slurs in everyday conversation outside of a sexual context. Then your charges would have Merit. But I have seen no evidence of that. To me she looks hot in her Nazi Garb and she can call me all the racial slurs she wants If I am allowed to slam my fat black one against her cervix lol.



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