The question about not shooting IR.

This post really wrote it self. After a long and pointless exchange with two individuals who clearly where not trying to even remotely comprehend what I was saying. I am just going to lay this out so people are not confused about my position on women who do not shoot IR. and By IR I mean a Black man and a woman of another ethnicity.

First and foremost let me be clear that NO woman should be forced to have sex with anyone she does not want to. I have stated that numerous times on this Blog. I have also stated in the past that I do not really pay that close attention to women who do not shoot IR. Sure there are some exceptions to the rule But I am not out here castigating them for not doing so.

If you only drink a specific kind of wine for whatever reason. you are discriminating in the wine you like to consume. If you only like to drive specific types of cars. You are discriminating in your cars of choice. Same goes with whom you want to fuck. If you simply do not want to have sex with a black man because of the color of his skin. That is Racial discrimination.

People like to assign negative or positive connotations to specific things because it makes them easier to digest. They don't want to dive deeper into why things are the way they are. They don't want to use nuance in analyzing situations. Especially if the realities of those situations make them uncomfortable.

Racial Discrimination when you just say it out of context has a very ugly connotation associated with it. But it is not only embedded in the fabric of our society. It is also hard wired into what makes us human beings. About 200,000 years ago on the plains of Africa. Our Species Homo Sapien was a small Tribe only about 10,000 strong in what modern Archaeologist believe to be Kenya. We lived in small family units and we competed for resources not only against other humans but other Humanoid species as well. And it was beneficial to keep your offspring segregated from others because you had a much more likely chance of seeing your offspring grow into adulthood if they didn't interact with others who could potentially do harm to said offspring. The evolutionary propensity for this behavior crystallized in our brains as we evolved and is how we look at each other today. From where we Worship or deities(Martin Luther King said Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in the country) to whom we chose to live around, to whom we chose to hire to work with us. We can pass laws to fight against it. We can try to make it socially uncouth. But it is still a reality. I get it, no one wants to be labeled as a racist or a Bigot. But simply wanting to be around your own people does not make you a racist. When you use violence or public policy to not only separate people but to oppress and marginalize them is when it turns into something unsavory.

I understand this difference so I am not super quick to jump off the deep end when a woman says I don't shoot with black men for this reason or the next. A woman can give a plethora of reasons why they don't want to shoot with Black men. Those are her own and I really don't care. I don't spend that much time focusing on it. Because elementary rationale are of little import to me.  I would much rather a woman just say. "Hey I don't shoot with black men because I don't want to" and let that be the end of it. No educated rational person is going to label you a racist. Not if they are paying attention.

As it pertains to the Adult industry and women who don't do IR. There are only two times when those individuals get my Ire. Number one is if they openly disparaged Black men or women then turned around wanting to work with them OR waited until the twilight of their careers to shoot 1 or two scenes right before they retired. Just to say they did it like a badge of honor. That just seems to me like they where exploiting the black talent they where working with and that rubs me the wrong way. That's it.

Time for people to start looking at this situation a little deeper on both sides of the argument. There are some Black men who feel slighted and they need to get over them selves and there are Women in the adult film industry that need to simply accept what they are doing and live that truth.

There is no way you can go inside the mind of a person and decipher what their motivations are. But A woman will typically only have a volatile response to the questions that are raised when this subject matter comes up.. because deep down this subject is reflective and they might have to take some personal inventory and they might not like what they see.


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