Jimmy Dore time to STFU

For the longest time I would not relent. I was never going to support Joe Biden for president because I had my reasons. He is in the pockets of big business, he has more racial baggage then a 747 full of Klu Klux Klan members. He doesn't support Medicare for all. Or the legalization of marijuana.
There was no real justification for a progressive like myself to support Joe Biden especially after the false promises and dashed ideals of Obama for 8 years. What crystallized my disdain for the democratic establishment was them pushing their standard bearer on us in the form of Hillary Clinton.

That's how we got Trump in the first place.
And the consequences so far have been catastrophic. Donald Trump was not ready to govern and his mumbling and bumbling has lead to the death of scores of Americans. I can no longer in good conscious openly cast my disparages for Joe Biden. As terrible as he is he is not Donald Trump.
The fact of the matter is this. When this crisis first started I had no real skin in the game. I guess I thought subconsciously. 'I am going to stay home because what do I personally have to lose? I don't care if Trump gets another 4 years.' Shows them right for  nominating an establishment stooge like Biden. They deserve another 4 of Trump.

But then My Dear Aunt contracted Covid 19 and she died 4 days Later. My family is still coming to grips with the loss. Because we are all still on lock down we cant even funeralize her, and hug each other and really grasp any closure. Her death shook me to my core. And THAT is why I can no longer simply say Never Biden.

Now Trumps incompetence has lead not so indirectly to a death in my family. My mother's immune system is compromised and she could potentially contract this virus and pass away. I my self contracted Covid but I have not had contact with my mother and I am on the mend. The point is When people you know and love start dying because of the indecision apathy and incompetence of this President it fundamentally changes your perspectives about a lot of things.

Jimmy Dore if you don't know is a fire brand on the left and I agree with a lot of his view points on a lot of issues but I don't believe he knows any one personally who has died from this Virus. Even in the midst of all these people dying He still believes that Trump for 4 more years is not the worst thing in the world. He wears his defiance like a badge of honor. and He basically is a embodiment of how I felt about this whole political season..... until my aunt died. So I am not just telling Jimmy that he needs to shut the fuck up. I am really telling my previous self that as well.

Equating Donald Trump and Biden is no longer cool. Its no longer responsible. It is no longer principled. It is just a bunch of bull shit at this point. Because Trump's idiocy has lead to the direct pain and suffering of my family. And a lot of other people's families. So Jimmy it's time to put a fucking cork in it Your self righteous aggrandizing is not going to bring people's loved ones back. Trump has got to go.


  1. I didn’t know you has it. Sorry for your lost and I hope you and your family alright


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