The Straw that broke the camel's back.

Donald Trump is not to blame for Covid-19. But he is culpable for the terrible response that the United States government had to the outbreak.

Through all his idiotic rhetoric. From the musings of xenophobia, nativism, bigotry, sexism and the like, people who call them selves moderates could hold their noses and still support him. Holding on to their guns and hatred of people who identify as LGBTQ, they could still coalesce around Trump.

His slashing of regulations on major corporations and his tax breaks for the very wealthy made him good for the oligarchy class as well.

But at the end of the day none of that matters if you're dead. This virus does not discriminate. It doesn't care what ethnic background you come from. How much fame or notoriety or money or power you have. You can get it and
depending on your immunal health before you had it, it can kill you.

Donald Trump's incompetence, his lack of intellectual curiosity, his inexperience in government, his hubris and his ignorance is literally going to get people killed. Reports now are saying the President was briefed on the severity of this virus and the threat it posed to the American people and he dismissed them......take a moment and let that sink in for a minute....take another one. And consider this could potentially kill 1 million Americans. That's what some projections are saying.

Trump dismantled a task force at the white house that specifically is responsible for responding to potential pandemics. Fate it seams does not come without a sense of irony.

Joe Biden is a bumbling idiot at times. He has said racially charged statements in the past he is in the pockets of big business. He is not a great candidate at all. But Trump's response to this crisis is going to get Biden elected.

Trump ignored intelligence briefings on this virus and he waited too long to listen to experts on what to do to curb the impact this virus will have on the American people. And those people will oust him in November.


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