Rod Jackson you fucked up BIG TIME!!!

So if you have been paying attention to Social Media Rod Jackson has justifiably come under major scrutiny for a video he posted of him poring water on a disabled dog.

What is so perplexing is why he would do something like that so soon after he just said goodbye to his own small dog that had recently passed away.

Like seriously WTF? He took the post down but looks like the Damage has been done. There are a lot of things adult industry workers can come back from. But I'm not sure being unnecessarily cruel to a defenceless animal is one of them.

I praised Rod when he first came into the adult industry for his performing prowess. But looks like he has completely gone off the deep end.

Now it looks like he lost his representation. Might want to get your resumé together young man. Something tells me you will need to look for a civilian job outside of the adult industry and the public eye.


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