Sometimes Reality can fuck with the fantasy.

If you hadn't noticed by now, if you have been reading my Blog for any extended periods of time you can probably tell that I have an affinity for white women. Some light eyes, platinum blonde hair and a coke bottle body can send me into a trance.  Every time I see a white woman i find attractive the blood just almost automatically rushes to my junk. I have had this partiality for as long as I can remember. The first Crush I can recall I had was on a cute little Brunette Name Jackie when I was in the 8th grade. 25 years later and not much has changed. I have grown to appreciate the beauty in all different types of women. But something about a white woman just does it for me.

Some White Women have the ability to get me so horny it's absurd.
Jenna Ivory is one of those women. 

Some people would say. I am brainwashed by the Eurocentric standard of beauty. Some would say I hate myself. Some would call me a sell out. But If I am really living my truth. I LOVE white women and I am not ashamed to say it.

Pornography gives me a unique opportunity to see beautiful white women getting the living hell fucked out of them. By men who look like me. I can live vicariously through them as They obliterate white pussy.  and when a white actress begins to talk dirty and incorporates "white pussy" and "black cock" in her rhetoric "emphasizing the differences in their ethnicity, it makes me shutter with lust. Porn is a great avenue for me getting my white girl fix. It has created this fantasy realm in which I live comfortably.

When I am fucking a beautiful white woman's brains out, or I am watching a beautiful white woman getting fucked by a fellow black man. All feels right in the world. but the sad reality is that outside of my little happy place of incendiary interracial sex is an existence a lot more sobering when it comes to relations between people of different ethnic backgrounds. We all have way more in common than we have differences. But those differences loom larger than life sometimes and through those differences often can mean different ideals, value systems and fundamental perspectives on how we view the world.

The Guyger Trail that just concluded is a huge reminder of those differences. and a bleak example of How our differences can also lead to deadly consequences. Guyger's actions screamed to my subconscious that "because of the color of your skin. I do not have to value your life or the lives of those around you" "You can be snuffed out for any reason" and that affects the way I think white women look at me. and Creeps into my ability to enjoy IR porn as well as my real life relationships with the white women that I deal with.

It fucks with my fantasy big time. In the back of my mind I am like. Does this woman truly appreciate who I am as a human being. Or can she sit back and either kill me her self or show no contrite feelings if I dye by some one else's hand. Do the women who work with these Black men in the adult industry share that same sentiment?
Maybe I am just tripping or maybe I am not. It is something I will probably continue to struggle with in perpetuity.

Convicted Murderer Guyger 


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