Jesse Jane does IR big whoop.

I am so tired of women who are either on the last legs of their career or trying to make a come back doing IR. like it wasn't good enough for you to do when you where fresh in the business. All of the sudden it is okay for you to do it now?

I can't speak for everyone but I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that I do not want to see Jesse Jane do IR. and I wouldn't have minded if she had NEVER done it. The simple fact of the matter is this. Black performers should hold themselves to higher standard than to work with someone like Jesse. .

Now I know some girls are under contract and sometimes those contracts have clauses in them like You can't shoot IR or you can't shoot anal or you can't do this or that. But those days are long gone. And There was very long time when Jesse was not a contract star and could have shot lots of IR before retiring.

At the end of the day A female performer has control over who she works with. If you don't want to work with black people fine, but don't try to use us as some type of way to extend your career or some type of avenue  to get back into the adult industry.


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