Sybil Stallone...a window that closed too fast

Back when this buxom brunette first started performing in the adult industry She was first represented by OC modeling if memory serves me correct and she had IR in her availability. She was a firecracker of a performer and a body that could make a blind man see.

Sadly she was never booked for IR when she was shooting regularly. I am no mind reader but Most women are not going to continue to make them selves available for something if they are never getting booked for it. It is human nature. You want to feel desired and appreciated. and for some strange fucking reason that is beyond me. Directors who shoot IR content never gave this woman a call. 

Well naturally she took IR off her dance card and has never shot an IR scene to date.  As a Black man who enjoys women with her body type and the energy she brings in her hardcore performances this is a crying shame. There is literally NO good reason why directors did not give her a call to shoot an IR scene when she was shooting more regularly and had IR in her availability.

So Ms. Stallone if you ever do decide to shoot hardcore content more regularly again. and You want to shoot any IR content. I will use the full weight and influence of this Blog to get you in an IR scene.


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