Another school shooting this time from my neck of the woods.

It is March 20th 2018 if you are reading this on another date, today another School shooting has just transpired this time in my home state of Maryland. This is a forum about adult topics. So I don't want to mention minors too often. But I would be remissed if I didn't at the very least mention the fact that guns are too easily accessible to the general public.

I have been a gun owner in the past. So I am not for totally disarming the populous. But steps have to be done to make school shootings less frequent in this country. We have nut jobs in the NRA that have got these politicians by the balls and clits and they just refuse to pursue any meaningful gun reform legislation.

They always want to tout mental health but then at the same time cut funding for mental health programs. You can't have it both ways. You can present solutions to these problems and then kneecap the efforts before they even get initiated.

Fuckers in Florida couldn't even pass a damn Assault weapons ban.  Conservatives and repukes like to talk a good game. But when the rubber hits the road and people try to push for meaningful change. That at the very least would make these shootings less frequent. They are either obstructionists to it or don't put forth any real effort to support it.

Luckily there is an assault weapons ban in this state so the Kid did not have access to one of those guns or this tragedy could have been a lot more deadly.


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