Sensory Overload

Let's face it. I'm completely addicted to porn. However you feel about porn addiction good bad or indifferent, there are some chemical imbalances that have some real ramifications to your brain. The deeper your addiction runs the more your brain burns off your dopamine receptors. The more receptors your brain burns off the higher the levels of dopamine your body needs in order to reach the same peak. Your brain is similar to that of a crack addict at this point. The more crack you do. The more you need for your brain to get that same high. Relating porn to crack in order to get off. you have to watch content that is harder and harder core. The fetishes and fantasies get down right shameful. Within reason of course. Nothing illegal. But certainly way outside of the main stream. That bleeding edge of filth and depravity that is so hardcore it is unmentionable in most circles. That is where Olivia Rose lives. Not only does she live there. She revels in it!!! I have come to the ...